Virginia GuilisastiAscención (Ascension), 2024Scraped drawing on metal roof found on metal base41 x 53 x 4 cm$USD 500.00
Virginia GuilisastiCactus, 2024Scraped drawing on metal roof found on metal base50 x 54 x 4 cm$USD 500.00
Virginia GuilisastiEn el jardín de las aves (In the bird garden), 2024Acrylic paint and asphalt paper on brass in transparent acrylic box26 x 26 x 4,5 cm$USD 600.00
Virginia GuilisastiEl trabajo (The work), 2019Mixed media on a found piece of wall, in a transparent acrylic box22 x 37 x 5 cm$USD 600.00
Virginia GuilisastiProtector , 2024Sculpture made of tree barks attached with glue and pieces of found mirrors in a transparent acrylic box (Can be placed on a wall or on a horizontal support)60 x 28 x 10 cm$USD 500.00
Virginia GuilisastiAgudo (Sharp), 2024Sculpture made of tree barks attached with glue and pieces of found mirrors in a transparent acrylic box (Can be placed on a wall or on a horizontal support)60 x 26 x 24 cm$USD 500.00
Virginia GuilisastiAmuleto (Amulet), 2024Sculpture made of tree barks attached with glue and pieces of found mirrors in a transparent acrylic box (Can be placed on a wall or on a horizontal support)60 x 30 x 20 cm$USD 500.00
Virginia GuilisastiAmuleto (Amulet), 2024Sculpture made of tree barks attached with glue and pieces of found mirrors in a transparent acrylic box (Can be placed on a wall or on a horizontal support)27 x 25 x 18 cm$USD 500.00
Virginia GuilisastiBúsqueda (Searching), 2024Drawing scratched on asphalt paper primed with acrylic paint suspended on two iron brackets105 x 98 x 20 cm$USD 650.00
Virginia GuilisastiCrianza (Breeding), 2024Drawing scratched on asphalt paper primed with acrylic paint suspended on two iron brackets110 x 98 x 20 cm$USD 650.00
Virginia GuilisastiEscuchar (Listen), 2024Drawing scratched on asphalt paper primed with acrylic paint suspended on two iron brackets98 x 99 x 20 cm$USD 650.00
Virginia GuilisastiIntermedio (In Between), 2024Drawing scratched on asphalt paper primed with acrylic paint suspended on two iron brackets106 x 100 x 20 cm$USD 650.00
Virginia GuilisastiAlineación (Alignment), 2021Acrylic on canvas40 x 30 x 2 cm$USD 480.00
Virginia GuilisastiTransitar (Go through), 2024Bark and glass on asphalt paper suspended on two iron brackets107 x 98 x 20 cm$USD 650.00
Virginia GuilisastiFrontera (Border), 2024White pencil drawing and pieces of glass and bark on asphalt paper, in a transparent acrylic box87x 67 x 5 cm$USD 800.00
Virginia GuilisastiSerie Instante (Instant serie), 2024Watercolor on paper100 x 85 cm - 27,5 x 18, 5 x 2 cm c/u$USD 3,000.00
Virginia GuilisastiColumna (Column), 2024Sculpture made of tree barks attached with glue and pieces of found mirrors in a transparent acrylic box (Can be placed on a wall or on a horizontal support)40 x 14,5 x 14 cm$USD 500.00
Virginia GuilisastiCorazón (Heart), 2024Sculpture made of tree barks attached with glue and pieces of found mirrors in a transparent acrylic box (Can be placed on a wall or on a horizontal support)28 x 28 x 10 cm$USD 500.00
Virginia GuilisastiDefensa (Defense), 2024Sculpture made of tree barks attached with glue and pieces of found mirrors in a transparent acrylic box (Can be placed on a wall or on a horizontal support)60 x 30 x 20 cmSold
Virginia GuilisastiRostro (Face), 2024Sculpture made of tree barks attached with glue and pieces of found mirrors in a transparent acrylic box (Can be placed on a wall or on a horizontal support)45 x 24 x 26,5 cm$USD 700.00
Virginia GuilisastiCuando el alma siente (When the soul feels), 2021Watercolor on paper37,5 x 45 x 5 cm$USD 600.00
Virginia GuilisastiMeditar (Meditate), 2024Drawing scratched on asphalt paper primed with acrylic paint suspended on two iron brackets100 x 97 x 20 cm$USD 650.00
Virginia GuilisastiDermatitis, 2024Drawing scratched on asphalt paper primed with acrylic paint suspended on two iron supports100 x 62 x 20 cm$USD 700.00
Virginia GuilisastiEl mapa de la vida (Life map), 2024Drawing scratched on asphalt paper primed with acrylic paint suspended on two iron brackets67 x 47 cm (without framing)$USD 480.00
Virginia GuilisastiRespuesta (Answer), 2024Drawing scratched on asphalt paper primed with acrylic paint suspended on two iron brackets110 x 98 x 20 cm$USD 650.00
Virginia GuilisastiLara, 2024Drawing scratched on asphalt paper primed with acrylic paint, in a transparent acrylic box.100 x 65 x 5 cm$USD 800.00
Virginia GuilisastiMadre e hijo (Mother and son), 2024Wall sculpture of tree barks glued together75 x 75 x 25 cm$USD 950.00
Virginia GuilisastiMi Verdad (My Truth), 2024Cropped asphalt paper in a transparent acrylic box99 x 79 x 5,5 cm$USD 600.00
Virginia GuilisastiPrepararse (Prepare), 2024Cropped asphalt paper in a transparent acrylic box59 x 46 x 5,5 cm$USD 600.00
Virginia GuilisastiSed (Thirst), 2024Cropped asphalt paper laid on found wood20 x 210 x 15 cm$USD 600.00
Virginia GuilisastiFortaleza (Strength), 2023Drawing on found brass40 x 50 x 4 cm$USD 550.00
Virginia GuilisastiSemilla (Seed), 2024Drawing on found wood50 x 42,5$USD 500.00
Virginia GuilisastiHogar (Home), 2024Sculpture made of tree barks attached with glue and pieces of found mirrors in a transparent acrylic box (Can be placed on a wall or on a horizontal support)36 x 16 x 20 cm$USD 750.00
Virginia GuilisastiMontaña (Mountain), 2024Sculpture made of tree barks attached with glue and pieces of found mirrors in a transparent acrylic box (Can be placed on a wall or on a horizontal support)38 x 50 x 14,5 cm$USD 850.00
Virginia GuilisastiPortal , 2024Sculpture made of tree barks attached with glue and pieces of found mirrors in a transparent acrylic box (Can be placed on a wall or on a horizontal support)41 x 20 x 15 cm$USD 500.00
Virginia GuilisastiPrisma I (Prism I), 2024Sculpture made of tree barks attached with glue and pieces of found mirrors in a transparent acrylic box (Can be placed on a wall or on a horizontal support)26 x 25 x 17 cm$USD 700.00
Virginia GuilisastiReflexión (Reflexion), 2024Sculpture made of tree barks attached with glue and pieces of found mirrors in a transparent acrylic box (Can be placed on a wall or on a horizontal support)40 x 59 x 18 cm$USD 700.00
Virginia GuilisastiSoplo (Breathe), 2024Sculpture of tree barks and pieces of asphalt paper attached with glue23 x 50 x 26 cm$USD 600.00
Virginia GuilisastiUnión (Union), 2024Sculpture made of found wood and pieces of tree barks20 x 37 x 20 cm$USD 380.00
Virginia GuilisastiAutorretrato (Self Portait), 2020Dry pine needles stuck together with glue20 x 25 cm$USD 350.00
Virginia GuilisastiVer (See), 2020Dry pine needles stuck together with glue20 x 25 cm$USD 500.00
Virginia GuilisastiFui, Soy, Seré (I was, I am, I will be), 2018Perforated text on found brass40 x 50 cm$USD 500.00