Des(nudos): Joaquín Ceballos

22 August - 16 September 2020

The work DES(NUDOS) consists of a series of drawings dealing with the subject of personal phobias, which revolve around the need for obsessive physical isolation from the world. This is how the image of the knot has been chosen, to talk about a flow that has been restricted, which could be the free sensory exchange of oneself, and an unknown exteriority causing great anxieties.

It takes into account the etymological relationship of the words knot and nude to create a kind of game that points to the ambivalence of the meaning of the image of the knot as a metaphor for one's relationship with the world itself. This is how these two words that have antagonistic characteristics are united in the title of this work.

It should be mentioned that the visual trope used repeatedly in the work corresponds to a quote, a kind of appropriation of a language. It is the system created by the French psychiatrist Jacques Lacan who interprets the Freudian tradition, to order the analytical experience of the human being. This is a system called The Borromeo Knot which establishes a balance between the ways of perceiving the world; the record of the real, the imaginary and the symbolic. This is how these records could look badly knotted, creating an imbalance of their Borromean order, generating symptoms such as psychotic outbreaks or obsessive-compulsive disorders.
Following what Lacan proposed, the need to generate deformed knots is born in this work. Some of them more than others, visceral perhaps, to refer to the irrational fears and anxieties that cause contact with the environment. It makes a nod to the saying in which people refer to a situation of distress or anxiety such as having a "knot in the stomach".

With regard to the technique used, it will be said that it takes into account the marginality through which it permeated, not only the visual trope invoked in this work, but all the knowledge of the history of visuality. It is taken into account that the approach to the history of art through the great works of European art was never through the visit to originals in museums, having never personally seen any of these works due to Chilean marginality and insularity. The passage through the academy emphasizes the departure of what is considered "art", an almost mythical presence. This marginal filter is reflected in the work through the precariousness of the material used: It is then a series of drawings made with pencil paste on paper.

Through an exhaustive technique, the paste pencil is raised as the foundation of the work, which is seen in the daily work as tools of passage, never intended for artistic creation; Small flies in the corner of a napkin during a phone call, a quick note in the phonebook, a number, an address. These almost unconscious actions contrast with the work, almost obsessively created images, taking, in some cases, three months to finish.


*Word game, in the Spanish language, between the word "naked" and "knots", which is developed in the text.