Virginia Guilisasti Chilean, b. 1979
Her work addresses themes related to the domestic and intimate spaces of the home. Virginia explores abandoned or ruined places and collects various materials, which she then categorizes to create structures or compositions using different two-dimensional techniques.
Visual artist Virginia Guilisasti was born in Chillán in 1979. She holds a degree in Art with a major in Painting from the Universidad Finis Terrae and a Master's in Visual Arts from the Universidad de Chile.
She has exhibited her work in places such as the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes (Santiago, Chile), Centro Cultural Matta (Buenos Aires, Argentina), Centro Cultural Matucana 100 (Santiago, Chile), Museo de Arte Contemporáneo (Valdivia, Chile), Galería Multinacional (Quito, Ecuador), Festival de Artes Villar de los Barrios (Pontferrada, Spain), Sala de Arte CCU (Santiago, Chile), Centex (Valparaíso, Chile), Galería Espacio O (Santiago, Chile), among others.
As part of her professional development, she participated in the Taller Bloc residency program (2009 Santiago, Chile) and the Línea Imaginaria program (2015 Quito, Ecuador).
The artist lives and works in Matanzas, Chile.
Virginia GuilisastiAgudo (Sharp), 2024Sculpture made of tree barks attached with glue and pieces of found mirrors in a transparent acrylic box (Can be placed on a wall or on a horizontal support)60 x 26 x 24 cm$USD 500.00
Virginia GuilisastiAmuleto (Amulet), 2024Sculpture made of tree barks attached with glue and pieces of found mirrors in a transparent acrylic box (Can be placed on a wall or on a horizontal support)27 x 25 x 18 cm$USD 500.00
Virginia GuilisastiAscención (Ascension), 2024Scraped drawing on metal roof found on metal base41 x 53 x 4 cm$USD 500.00
Virginia GuilisastiCactus, 2024Scraped drawing on metal roof found on metal base50 x 54 x 4 cm$USD 500.00
Virginia GuilisastiCrianza (Breeding), 2024Drawing scratched on asphalt paper primed with acrylic paint suspended on two iron brackets110 x 98 x 20 cm$USD 650.00
Virginia GuilisastiEn el jardín de las aves (In the bird garden), 2024Acrylic paint and asphalt paper on brass in transparent acrylic box26 x 26 x 4,5 cm$USD 600.00
Virginia GuilisastiFrontera (Border), 2024White pencil drawing and pieces of glass and bark on asphalt paper, in a transparent acrylic box87x 67 x 5 cm$USD 800.00
Virginia GuilisastiMontaña (Mountain), 2024Sculpture made of tree barks attached with glue and pieces of found mirrors in a transparent acrylic box (Can be placed on a wall or on a horizontal support)38 x 50 x 14,5 cm$USD 850.00
Virginia GuilisastiPrepararse (Prepare), 2024Cropped asphalt paper in a transparent acrylic box59 x 46 x 5,5 cm$USD 600.00
Virginia GuilisastiRespuesta (Answer), 2024Drawing scratched on asphalt paper primed with acrylic paint suspended on two iron brackets110 x 98 x 20 cm$USD 650.00
Virginia GuilisastiSed (Thirst), 2024Cropped asphalt paper laid on found wood20 x 210 x 15 cm$USD 600.00
Virginia GuilisastiSoplo (Breathe), 2024Sculpture of tree barks and pieces of asphalt paper attached with glue23 x 50 x 26 cm$USD 600.00
Virginia GuilisastiTransitar (Go through), 2024Bark and glass on asphalt paper suspended on two iron brackets107 x 98 x 20 cm$USD 650.00
Virginia GuilisastiUnión (Union), 2024Sculpture made of found wood and pieces of tree barks20 x 37 x 20 cm$USD 380.00
Virginia GuilisastiFortaleza (Strength), 2023Drawing on found brass40 x 50 x 4 cm$USD 550.00
Virginia GuilisastiConstruir (Build), 2022Photography45 x 60 cm$USD 500.00
Virginia GuilisastiFachada, 2022Estructura con materiales encontrados: Palos, alambre y vidrio.106 x 160 cmSold
Virginia GuilisastiEquilibrio dos (Equilibrium II), 2021Drawing on found brass102 x 90 cm$USD 2,500.00
Virginia GuilisastiEquilibrio uno (Equilibrium I), 2021Drawing on found brass70 x 90 cm$USD 2,500.00
Virginia GuilisastiAutorretrato (Self Portait), 2020Dry pine needles stuck together with glue20 x 25 cm$USD 350.00
Virginia GuilisastiJuntas somos universo (Together we are universe), 2020Drawing with a nail tip on a found wall piece55 x 50 cm$USD 1,600.00
Virginia GuilisastiSemilla (Seed), 2020Openwork texts in gaucho tape on intervened brass170 x 65 cm$USD 1,600.00
Virginia GuilisastiVer (See), 2020Dry pine needles stuck together with glue20 x 25 cm$USD 500.00
Virginia GuilisastiEl trabajo (The work), 2019Mixed media on a found piece of wall, in a transparent acrylic box22 x 37 x 5 cm$USD 600.00
Virginia GuilisastiJaula (Cage), 2019Structure with wood remains and wires
Medidas variables$USD 3,000.00 -
Virginia GuilisastiLactar 2, 2019Piece of door frame found and intervened with oil paint40 x 30 cmSold
Virginia GuilisastiMater IIII, 2019Mixed media on canvas100 x 150 cm$USD 3,800.00
Virginia GuilisastiDiario 2 (Diary II), 2018Mixed media on canvas100 x 150 cm$USD 3,800.00
Virginia GuilisastiImborrable (Imposible to erase), 2018Mixed media on canvas150 x 150 cm$USD 3,800.00
Virginia GuilisastiCastillo (Castle), 2015Found wall paper collage on canvas100 x 150 cm$USD 3,000.00
Virginia GuilisastiEdificio Compañía (Compañia Street Building), 2015Found wall paper collage on canvas177 x 135 cm$USD 5,200.00
Virginia GuilisastiHablar (Talk), 2015Found wall paper collage on canvas60 x 90 cm$USD 2,000.00
Virginia GuilisastiOir (Hear), 2015Found wall paper collage on canvas60 x 90 cm$USD 2,000.00
Virginia GuilisastiOrnamento (Ornament), 2015Found wall paper collage on wood128 x 137 cm$USD 6,000.00
Virginia GuilisastiCocina (Kitchen), 2012Mixed media on canvas100 x 150 cm$USD 5,000.00
My work addresses themes related to the everyday; I make visible realities and topics that may seem to lack value and are related to our delicate domestic life; the house, the home, migration, rural life, precariousness and loss, parenting, among others.
My working methodology leads me to explore various techniques such as drawing, installation, photography, painting, video, textiles, among others.
I investigate abandoned spaces, specifically houses, and select discarded materials; remnants of insignificant things that tell their existence. I collect, then classify to build structures that manifest their resilient state.
Out of time
Virginia Guilisasti 28 Nov 2024 - 28 Feb 2025In general, daily existence is not presented to us as a free and original construction, but rather it is based on a set of acts, displacements and recurrent forgetfulness that...Read more -
Parcelas de agrado
Group Exhibition 17 Nov - 31 Dec 2023En un contexto en el que las parcelas de agrado son consideradas como un espacio para ejercer el derecho al ocio y el descanso, los artistas que participan en esta...Read more -
Group exhibition 19 Aug - 30 Sep 2023The term 'serendipity' encompasses the notion of a fortunate and unexpected discovery when being in the right place at the right time. This exhibition celebrates these moments of visual serendipity,...Read more -
Comenzar con una idea
Group Exhibition 15 Apr - 10 Jun 2023Espacio O Gallery is embarking on a new phase with a new space in the neighborhood where it was born, the Lastarria Neighborhood. The exhibition with which they are inaugurating...Read more -
Group Exhibition 11 - 30 Nov 2021Artistas de la muestra colectiva: Alfredo Da Venezia, Bruna Truffa, Sebastián Leyton, Virginia Guilisasti, Colectivo Hipermercado Casino, Victor Espinoza y Fernanda Gutiérrez. ¿Cuántas veces sentimos que con un poco más...Read more -
Todo tiempo pasado fue
Group Exhibition 30 Sep - 3 Oct 2021Artistas de la muestra colectiva: Norton Maza, Alfredo Da Venezia, Bruna Truffa, Sebastián Leyton, Virginia Guilisasti, Colectivo Hipermercado Casino, Ciro Beltrán, Armando de la Garza y Fernanda Gutiérrez. En un...Read more
Ch.ACO '13
Santiago, Chile 16 - 20 Nov 2022Galería Espacio O participa en la versión número 13 de la feria Ch.ACO en Santiago, Chile. Ch.ACO-13, la Feria de Arte Contemporáneo más grande de...Read more -
Ch.ACO '12
Santiago, Chile 22 - 28 Nov 2021La 12ºedición de la feria Ch.ACO contó este año con diferentes secciones de formato presencial y virtual, bajo el lema Sin Límites SECCIÓN MAIN: Sección...Read more